I suppose because it's after 12am it's officially the next day! So yesterday my one of my best friends and I found ourselves in this lil store that we had ultimate cosmetic orgasms ;
We saw the store one sunday ; running by quickly ; right before the mall closed.... we were on a mission to catch another store first so we had to get to first!
Anywho ; we went into the store today and we literally went nutzo with all the selection of cosmetics they had and for so CHEAP!

^^^ above you can see all of what we got after leaving the store.
I would have got more but Al, threatened me! =(
& when I got home after foaming over my purchases for a little while
I went ahead and added it to to make up suitcase . & here's the final product.
& I'm pretty sure I'm going to Sheridan in January for Cosmetology! =)

Still @LeeSuccess on twitter
Bon Soir.
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