Sunday, November 1, 2009


Saturday.... was planned out to be a total chill quiet day.
Had some errands to run with my Best Friend.. Then he kidnapped
me for the WHOLE day!!wtf. I mean I appreciate all the time I
spent with my God-Daughter... but DAMN. that was horrible.
It felt like high school all over again.

He's always had a habit of kidnapping me, and bringing me around
a whole bunch of different ppl. When he KNOWS I'm anti-social ; &
I definitely don't mix and mingle. Urgh! AS IF! (lol)

In all seriousness though, it got to the point where my roommate
had to come and sort of save me, but then she was pulled under
the dark cloud too. Finally I had enough, and I made my escape.

Excited for next week. This month is CRUNCH time. I am not
trying to wait until December to do Christmas shopping. & I
can't stand malls.

This entry is the LEAST thought out entry ever. I'm just
typing. I don't know if anything I'm typing even makes
sense. I am THAT tired! --- but whatever.

Ooohh more random stuff. I saw my home girl 989 today. =O
It was kinda from a distance, and she didnt see me. So
now it's kinda sounding like I was stalking her or something.
But really I wasn't I promise! lol .
I'm really just typing this, because I know she reads my blogs.
but i really did see her... shrugs

Ok that is all. No more gibberish.
I'm about to pass out. G'night xoxo

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